Svendsen's Thursday Night Series #2: Tuneup Night at Treasure Island Sailing CenterApril 9

Wondering how to make your V15 go faster? Come by tonight for our annual Tuneup Night.

We like having tight racing, and the way to do that is to ensure that everyone is on a level playing field in terms of gear and tuning.

Top sailors in the fleet will walk through their boats to explain how to set them up to go fast. Both rigging and how to adjust your sails and rig.Bring your notebook, a charged-up cell phone, and tape measure, because taking notes, photos and videos is encouraged.

One request: if you get a chance, please read the following as background:

Top 5 Vanguard 15 Rigging Tips
We'll cover more than these top five tips, but knowing these will get you off to a good start.

Luther Carpenter's V15 Tuning Guide
Don't let the "2002" tagline fool you -- this is pretty much the V15 tuning bible.

What to wear when V15 sailing on SF Bay
It's hard to go fast if you're cold and miserable.

Hope to see you then!
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Adam French
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Boats Racing
#741Al & Maddy
#929Alex Mountjoy
#1051Lee & Doug
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