End of Season Awards Party at Bay View Boat ClubNovember 21
Details TBD.
Contact Person
Matthew Sessions
Looking for a Ride or Crew
Boats Racing
#1629Matthew Sessions & Avery Patton
#94Cappy Pratt & Claire Hulse
#1Sarah McNaboe
#1765Alice II: The search for more wonder (Tom Allison)
#98734Pete Trachy
#1275Kevin Richards
I'll be late... Please save me some rum! (Nov 10 7:09 PM)
#1234luggage (Jim & Holly)
where's the rest of the 1234 gang??? (Nov 10 7:14 PM)
#741Sally & Adam
#153357Jim Margeson
#1761Rolf + Shannon
#907David Byron
#899Rob Grant
#179426Steve Orosz
#175237Ralph Pombo
#35Kevin Sullivan
#1999Geoff McDonald
We're gonna party like it's 1999! (Nov 15 12:33 AM)
#28Alexis Zebrowski
#567Amy G
#170143Friendly Dragon (Drake Irvin Jensen)
and his Dad and brother Jack (bodygaurd) (Nov 20 4:40 PM)
#1159Matthew & Katie Soldo
#3Greg Stemler
#1317Brown Chicken, Brown Cow (Harrison and Kristin)
#940Katy Weber
#8Mahalynn Lu
#1314Phillip & Nicole Laby
We will be there after 8 (Nov 21 10:48 PM)
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