Tuesday Night Team Racing at Treasure Island Sailing CenterJuly 31
Contact Person
Kristin Altreuter
Looking for a Ride or Crew
#1394Boaty McBoatFace (Robert & ?)
#8199Hmm (Stephen Duncan )
Prefer to skipper but down to crew (Jul 30 3:07 PM)
#1713Cory and Alexis
We are going to put my boat in as a 7th and do some practicing then both join team racing as crew. (Jul 30 8:36 PM)
Boats Racing
#1203Dan and Stefanie
#2013Amelia and Cole or Drew
#740Kristin and Mackenzie
#1452Al & Rachel
If we get 10 boats, we might be able to do one 3x3 team race, and another 2x2 team race. 2x2 (last place loses) is nice for those of us newer to team racing. Just a thought. (Jul 31 3:10 AM)
#1371Ben & Diana
#1651Sam & Liz
#1268Mike and Maggie
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