2024 Championship Series Standings
 Pos BoatRacesScoreRound the Island Race for the Jeff Knowles Perpetual
(1 race)
High Sierra Regatta
(5 races)
11625 (2)1.05(22 / 21)  7/77/77/76/78/7
 621 (0)1.00(16 / 16) 16/16     
217036 (3)0.97(29 / 30) 15/166/76/78/74/76/7
316665 (2)0.95(20 / 21)  5/78/75/75/77/7
416515 (2)0.90(19 / 21)  8/74/74/77/73/7
59235 (2)0.90(19 / 21)  4/75/76/78/74/7
 11591 (0)0.88(14 / 16) 14/16     
 7511 (0)0.81(13 / 16) 13/16     
 5601 (0)0.75(12 / 16) 12/16     
611346 (3)0.70(21 / 30) 11/162/72/78/71/72/7
 171 (0)0.62(10 / 16) 10/16     
717655 (2)0.57(12 / 21)  1/71/72/72/78/7
 12031 (0)0.56(9 / 16) 9/16     
 18901 (0)0.50(8 / 16) 8/16     
 16291 (0)0.44(7 / 16) 7/16     
 9441 (0)0.38(6 / 16) 6/16     
 13251 (0)0.31(5 / 16) 5/16     
 7411 (0)0.25(4 / 16) 4/16     
 13171 (0)0.19(3 / 16) 3/16     
 13711 (0)0.12(2 / 16) 2/16     
 Jack-A-Roe1 (0)0.06(1 / 16) 1/16     
6 possible races so far, 3 required to qualify (50% or more). throwout schedule
Season scoring calculation explanation