Info | Come on out for the fastest team racing in SF. |
Looking for a Ride or Crew | #12345 | Stefanie | Available to crew also! :)
Also, can I share a ride from the SF? :)
(May 19 6:26 PM) | #121 | Graceland (Lyzz) | Happy to skipper or crew, might be a little late. (May 19 6:30 PM) |
Boats Racing | #475 | Pete & Sarah | Food is on me! (May 16 11:35 PM) | #12733 | Peter and Rachel | #1005 | Steve & Michelle | #5555 | Hunter & Neha | #1397 | Ken and (need a crew) | #176 | Rolf & Jordan | #1371 | Ben & Erin |
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