Svendsen's Thursday Night #2 at Treasure Island Sailing CenterApril 9
Thursday night sailing is in full swing, and although the weather seems to think it is still winter, the sailors are in full belief that summer is here. Sailing was underway by 6:30, with the wind coming out of the southeast, but by the second leg of the first race the direction had shifted to the northwest. Wind velocity and direction continued to jump haphazardly with every puff and boats on a beat were at times wing-on-wing. But the racers persisted and with only one briefly postponed start, three full races were completed.

The crazy conditions coupled with high quality sailing from the social chairs, Andrew & Maddie, were serendipitous for the sailors as by the time boats were on the ramp, burgers were almost ready to come off the grill.
PosBoatNameTotalRace 1Race 2Race 3
1492Andrew Watters & Maddie Eustis5311
21314Philip Laby & Katie Cochrane11443
31629Matthew Sessions & Avery Patton13652
4566Derek & Heather15294
5838Tom Allison and Greg Stemler17179
6694Alex Symes & Chris Pine20965
71227Sarah & Crew221327
8631Chad Gray and Natasha Baker235108
91296Dave & Guillemette248313
101761Rolf & Laura271386
111157Adam Spiegel & Amy Guarnieri3171113
12940Mike & Katy33101211
131354Jesse & Justin34111310
14946Jorge & Adrian38121412
151177Al & Michelle40131512
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