Looking for a Ride or Crew | None. |
Boats Racing | #636 | shane | #985 | CAM Geer | #1016 | Heather Washington (Steve) | #475 | sarah | #731 | Matthew Sessions | #687 | Jill Sellers (Scott Sellers) | #474 | Nick Adamson | #945 | Emily Call (jay Palace) | #738 | Jeannie Tang (Rich Lee) | This will be the first time I've rigged this boat and put it in the water! I may putt around, figuring things out before joining the races. (Jun 11 7:35 AM) | #682 | Sabrina Wong (Matthew Soldo) | #1296 | Peter Stoneberg | #907 | David Byron | #944 | Will Graves | #740 | Jess Chatfield (Doug Nugent) |
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