Tuesday Night Team Racing at Treasure Island Sailing CenterMay 13
Come on out for the fastest team racing in SF.
Contact Person
Daniel Altreuter
Looking for a Ride or Crew
#1047Robin Kivlen
Interested in chartering a boat or crewing for someone. (May 10 4:57 PM)
Available to crew! (May 12 1:37 PM)
#1048` (Erin )
Might be late depending on work tomorrow - will still come and crew if someone needs me! (May 12 8:08 PM)
Boats Racing
#1203Dan and Stefanie
#1005Steve & Emily
#121Graceland (Lyzz & Danielle)
#1371Ben & Erin
#1273Peter and Rachel
#566Jackaroe (Jeff and Neha)
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