"The Holiday Classic" - V15 Midwinters Series #1 (NEW DATE) at Treasure Island Sailing CenterDecember 16
New date as of December 8, 2006. This event has been called the Christmas Classic in the past. Registration will be 12:00-12:30pm with a short Sailors Meeting. Similar format to the Thursday Night Series...W/L courses (1x or 2x around). ALL BOATS MUST HOIST IN...please factor this into your time management planning. V15s not sailing...#929 & #1260 as of 12-4-06
Looking for a Ride or Crew
I vote for the 9th (Nov 22 12:06 AM)
 Margarette (Margarette)
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Boats Racing
#694"33" (Alex and Sergei)
Will be there. race or no race (Dec 8 3:10 PM)
#907David Byron
#4Once-Ler (Sarah & Pete)
99% sure. (Dec 12 6:31 AM)
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