Tuesday Night Team Race at Treasure Island Sailing CenterAugust 9
Contact Person
Helen Lord
Looking for a Ride or Crew
#4444Stefanie Jadelrab
I would like to crew. Thanks (Aug 8 10:25 PM)
#1015Puffin (Neil)
Down 2 sail (Aug 9 8:49 PM)
Boat is touch/go for racing. Happy to skipper or crew (Aug 9 9:41 PM)
Happy to skipper or crew (Aug 9 10:43 PM)
Boats Racing
#740Kristin and Bianca
#1651Firefly (Sam & Allegra)
#1717Moe (Michael and Sam)
Maybe (jet lag) (Aug 8 6:39 PM)
#427Ty and Tiffany
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